

I've been banging on about this for weeks now, but as SEOs we often silo ourselves from other channels despite being directly influenced by them. On multiple occasions I've seen people in our industry reporting on uplifts in organic traffic performance, without properly knowing what makes up the uplift.

Particularly when working on larger companies, the question of whether an uplift in performance can be attributed to what we've done, becomes a lot more complicated. That's because when there's an increased investment in display activity, a launch of a PR initiative, or a feature on a best buy publication for example, this can have a huge impact on brand search.

So what can we do? Well, if you're a multi-service agency working on an account, or are partnering with other service agencies, you need to have a single, transparent view on each other's activities. Not only that, but you should also have a historic view on the correlative impact of other channels on SEO.

Although it can often be difficult in Google Analytics, brand & non-brand should be segmented as best as you can, as well as your key content groupings to ensure you have an appreciation of the areas you're influencing.

If you have some more ideas on how you go about understanding other channel's influence on SEO, I'd love to hear from you!

Andrew Charlton

Post of the Week


