

So...just a few days after Google pre-announced then launched a core algorithm update, they rolled out a change to display more diverse search results. In a nutshell this means only a maximum of two results from the same domain should now display in search results for a query (kinda).

This is such a positive change. It means websites such as Pinterest should now not monopolise queries where the user intent is to discover images. My first thoughts when the change rolled out was to analyse those such as Pinterest which would have undoubtedly been affected, as it presents a huge opportunity for smaller players. Positions for queries have opened up; it's your chance to rank for them.

On a final, but completely unrelated note, I recently found something really, really cool.

If you input document.designMode = 'yes'; into console on Chrome dev tools, you can edit texts on the front-end on the fly. Check this out

I've always edited it in the code - perhaps I'm a noob.

Enjoy the issue!

Andrew Charlton

Post of the Week



Case Study
